Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Crime Is Not A Major Problem - 1855 Words

The purpose of this paper is to critique ?Crime is not a major problem in Australia?. The following will outline the definition of crime in the context of Australia, discuss and analyse crime measurement methodology and the ability for the results to be an accurate assessment and reflection of crime, to examine and compare differing perspectives of crime, and to research the effect the media has upon the perceptions of crime and whether it can accurately determine whether crime is a major problem in Australia. Crime has always been socially defined, determined by morals ethics and perceptions, and leads to varying and competing views and comprehensive debate. It can be universally agreed that the definition of crime in terms of legal parameters and also defining crimes in terms of sociological definitions, can be argued to be the main to focuses when attempting to answer this question. It relies on existing social and cultural norms. A basic conclusion is that crime is an act, whether determined by Parliamentary Legislation or not, that attracts a legal punishment which are offences against the community (Blackburn, 1993, p. 17) and that it is a reflection of society?s beliefs and norms of that particular time (McSherry, 2010) . The Legal definition of crime in complex but simply explained as ?crime is an activity that the state prohibits by law and punishes? (The Australian Law Dictionary, 2015, p. 199). However, critics of the legal definitions of crime believe thatShow MoreRelatedCrime Is A Major Problem898 Words   |  4 PagesLiterature review Crime is a major problem in Memphis (the Bluff City) that have reached numerous communities in areas such as Frayser (Anthony, Hunter, Jewell, Johnson, Mooreland, 2006). Crime has been a major concern in the bluff city. However, there are certain crimes that are more alarming than others in this region. Crimes such as homicides, home invasions, and kidnapping. Due to the frequencies of the crimes, my focus will center on the problem of assaults and burglaries in the NorthRead MoreCrime Is A Major Social And Political Problem Within Our Society1327 Words   |  6 PagesIntroduction Fear of crime is a major issue within our society with Farrell et al stating that ‘it is commonplace to assert that fear of crime has become a major social and political problem, perhaps bigger than crime itself’. With Leeds being known as a high risk area for crime in the UK with Leeds University and Leeds Beckett coming 6th and 7th respectively for the highest crime rate on The Complete University Guide students here are likely to have a strong fear towards becoming a victim of crime. PreviousRead MoreThe Theory Of Routine Activity Theory870 Words   |  4 Pagespain. Choice theory gives the perspective of the reason why individual offenders commit specific crimes; individuals choose to commit crimes to seek happiness, and it can be rewarding, easy, satisfying, and fun. Offenders commit crimes because violating the law can be attractive and not because they from a broken home or troubled family. Choice theory also states that the decision to commit a crime comes afte r careful thought of weighing the reward versus the costs of the criminal activity. RoutineRead MoreResolving the Social Problem of Crime1313 Words   |  5 PagesResolving a Social Problem: As mentioned in the first assignment, one of the main social problems in the modern society is crime, which is basically defined as an offense against public law. Since it is a major social problem, crime has significant effects on victims, the society, and social institutions. 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Naturally this can make it hard to stay on top of things. In turn, law enforcement runs into various issues regarding cyber crime and cyber terrorism. Cyber crime and terrorism is so complex of a crime that it can be hard to break down the barriers that can lead to justifying the action. Major issues that are prominent in cyber crime and terrorism are that laws varyRead MoreGlobal Crime Analysis1134 Words   |  5 PagesGlobal Crimes Analysis University of Phoenix Cynthia Butler CJA/394 April 16, 2012 This paper will identify the various major global crimes and criminal issues that affect national and international criminal justice systems and processes. In addition, there will be a comparison and contrast of the different criminal justice systems and how they have addressed major global crimes and criminal issues. 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Crimes include such things as murder, stealing a car, resisting arrest, possession or dealing of illegal drugs, being nude in public , drunk driving, and bank robbery. Crime is an act that has been timeless and has been committed practically since the start of time. For example, ever since Cain killed hisRead MoreAfter The 9/11 Attack, Many Agencies DidnT Know What To1630 Words   |  7 Pagesresponders on the crime scene when something bad happens. Local law enforcement usually have it concerns with preventing or solving crimes such as burglary, theft, robbery, and homicide crimes, these crimes usually have an impact on the local community, but when future terror threats local law enforcement will have to reorganize adapt to the policing strategies of the homeland security. In the past few years, law e nforcement agencies have addressed the cause to reduce the fear of crime in local communities

Monday, December 16, 2019

Aaron Beck Free Essays

Section 1 Abstract Biography Aaron T. Beck Aaron T. Beck (July 18, 1921) was born in Providence, Rhode Island USA, the youngest child of four siblings. We will write a custom essay sample on Aaron Beck or any similar topic only for you Order Now Beck attended Brown University, graduating magna cum laude in 1942, then attended Yale Medical School, graduating with an M. D. in 1946. He is an American psychiatrist and a professor emeritus in the department of psychiatry at the University of Pennsylvania. Beck developed cognitive therapy in the early 1960s, he is widely regarded as the father of cognitive therapy,and his ioneering theories are widely used in the treatment of clinical depression. Beck also developed self-report measures of depression and anxiety including Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSS), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Beck Youth Inventories. He is the President Emeritus of the Beck Inst and the Honorary President of the Academy of Cognitive Therapy, which certifies qualified cognitive therapists. Beck’s daughter, Judith S. Beck, is also a researcher in the field of ognitive therapy and President of the Beck Institute. She is married with f our children, Roy, Judy, Dan, and Alice. He has nine grandchildren. Section 2 Question #1 Beck developed cognitive therapy in the early 1960s. He had previously studied and practiced psychoanalysis. Beck designed and carried out a numberof experiments to test psychoanalytic concepts of depression. Fully expecting research would validate these fundamental precepts, he was surprised to find the opposite. This research led him to begin to look for other ways of conceptualizing depression. Working with depressed patients, he found that they experienced streams of negative thoughts that seemed to pop up spontaneously. He termed these cognitions â€Å"automatic thoughts,† and discovered that their content fell into three categories: negative ideas about themselves, the world and the future. Beck then developed self-report measures of depression and anxiety including Beck Depression Inventory(BDI), Beck Hopelessness Scale, Beck Scale for Suicidal Ideation (BSS), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and Beck Youth Inventories. Section 3 Question # 2 I think Beck seen human beings as basically being good. Beck states that depressive cognition could be a result of traumatic experience or incapable of adapting coping skills. Depressive people have a negative perception or belief about themselves and their environment. According to Beck,†If beliefs do not change, there is no improvement. If beliefs change, symptoms change. † I think this means that your thoughts and beliefs affect your behavior, He believed that bad behavior is caused due to bad thinking, and that thinking is shaped by our beliefs. How to cite Aaron Beck, Papers

Sunday, December 8, 2019

Individual Team and Small Group Experience Essay free essay sample

Teams usually have clearly defined team- members responsible and being fortunate to have been part of both a team and a group. We will then look at Dustmans theory of group stage development, describing each stage and relating this theory to practical examples from my own experience and look briefly at the potential for oppressive behavior in each stage and how this can be minimized. Next we will look at what is understood by group leadership, looking at three broad styles of leadership and how these may be applied effectively within a youth work setting.We will then look at how in dividing roles can development. The first was a small group of 20 and 24 year old from a local dance group that we created. The group never consisted of more than nine and was often as low as four or five. This evenly split mixed sex group was set up for a long term activity based work one evening each week for practice, which would encourage social Interaction and thus help to develop positive social and Interpersonal skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Individual Team and Small Group Experience Essay or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This was a long- term group and was only terminated after four years of activates, planned and delivered by two female co- workers and myself. Groups may be defined In many ways, Indeed providing an absolute definition of a group, as with much of the theory around group work, is highly problematic and contestable. However, for the purpose of discussing group work within a context of working with young people we may define a group as a small gathering of young people.Group work may simplistically be described as the study and application of the processes and outcomes experienced when a small group comes together. Kenosha (1963) defines group work as a method of social work that is utilized in order to help Individuals to enhance their social functioning through reposing groups experiences, and to cope more effectively with their personal, group or community problems. Teams Initially go through a forming stage In which members are positive and polite. Some members are anxious, as they havent yet worked out exactly what work the team will Involve. Others are simply excited about the task ahead. As leader. You play a dominant, role at this stage, other members only last for the single meeting at which people are introduced to one- another. At this stage there may be discussion about how the team will work, which can be frustrating for some members who simply want to get on with the team task. Thus as members begin to assert their individual personalities, the comfort of the forming stage begins to come under siege.Members experience personal, intra and inter groups conflicts. Aggression and resentment may manifest in this stage and thus if strong personalities emerge and leadership is unresponsive to group and individual needs, the situation may become destructive to the groups development. Indeed there is a high potential for individuals to abandon the group during this stage, as for some the pressures created by the group may become too much of a strain.

Sunday, December 1, 2019

River Essays - Dont, , Term Papers, Research Papers

River Demonstrates and points out the harsh and pacific realities of life. The river teaches us to let go of regret and move forward in one direction. The more constricted a river is the more violently out of control it becomes. Growth. Give the river credit. Every river is different. What matters? Why do you love? What do you know that no one else knows? Take a chance. Talk, listen, cry, roll off a waterfall. Laugh. You know how to laugh. Make a fool of yourself. Enjoy the high water, appreciate the lows... they're humbling. Learn, learn about you. Be aware at what might be lurking around the bend. Patience. Slow the river down and melt into it. Be positive. Be hopeful. Don't ever let anyone destroy who you are or what you believe. Be open to change and evolution. Accept. Reach out. Ask questions. Hear the answers. Live for the moment, anticipate the future. A good one, you deserve it. Work very hard, don't stop. Admit weaknesses and conquer them...Your strengths will wash out any obstacles. Use your gifts. Yes you have gifts. Forgive. Let go. Swallow your pride. Move forward. Spit your pride back up when your done to make sure it's still intact. Be gentle. Be strong. Keep a promise. Honesty. Conquer a fear. Forget fear. Don't be perfect, be excellent. Be you. Falter. Balance. Moderation. Be grateful. Be real. Never give up. Don't be afraid. You are the river. I believe in you.