Thursday, October 31, 2019
Seasory Perceptions Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Seasory Perceptions - Term Paper Example The nature has laid down this error free network of neurons in such a way that there is no reason left why we should not believe in the accuracy of our sensory perceptions. (2) The law of size constancy is another reason why sensory information is always correct. Even if the visual angle of the object changes, its size as perceived by our sense of sight always remains the same. Visual angle is the size of that inverted image that is formed on the retina of the eye by the light reflected from the object. This perception of an object size even after a change in its visual angle is accurate enough even in an infant of a few weeks. (3) Human ear is able to perceive sounds that are as deep as 16 cycles per second and as high in pitch as 28,000 cycles per second. ââ¬Å"Some people have "perfect pitch", which is the ability to map a tone precisely on the musical scale without reference to an external standardâ⬠(Zamora, 2006). This makes us believe that sensory perception is very accu rate. Factors contributing to the accuracy of sensory data The biggest factor that contributes to the accuracy of the sensory data is Nature itself. Nature has provided man with best and perfect tools like eye for sight, nose for smell, ears for hearing, tongue to taste, and fingers and skin to sense touch. These tools and their senses are so perfect that nobody can dare to challenge the accuracy of these. There is nothing compatible to Nature. Other factors that contribute to the accuracy of sensory data perception involve genetics obviously. Genes tend to pass on traits from one generation to the next. It is seen that individuals are different from each other because of their genetic makeup granted to them by their parents. Some can perceive information in a better way than others. This is because their genetic traits carry such information in them that help those individuals to perceive and think in a better way. Also, the accuracy of sensory data depends upon the correctness of sensory organs too. If there is a fault in the eye like ââ¬Å"certain corneal injuriesâ⬠(Miller, 2006, p.54), the vision is disturbed. If an ear is faulty, hearing is affected. This is the case with all the senses. Thus, the accuracy of sensory information also depends on the accuracy of the sensory organs. Roles of ââ¬Å"natureâ⬠and ââ¬Å"nurtureâ⬠in the interpretation and evaluation of sensory data Sleeper and Chudler (2007, p.14) assert that ââ¬Å"nature refers to skills humans are born with, and nurture refers to skills humans learn.â⬠Every human being has some inborn or hereditary qualities that are passed over to him through genes; but, there are a lot of other qualities that he learns over time through knowledge and experience. Some researchers support the argument that nature is responsible for the makeup of an individualââ¬â¢s behavioral patterns which help him perceive, interpret and analyze sensory data. Opponents of this approach argue that this interpretation of sensory information has nothing to do with genes because a human being and his sensory perception of knowledge can be modified into whatever kind the nurturer wants him to grow into. We believe that both perspectives are correct. As stated earlier, genes tend to gift a person such traits that help him to use his sensory organs in the best way. Also, a personââ¬â¢s sensory interpretation can be improved through artificial ways like training sessions,
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
The Chicana feminists movement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
The Chicana feminists movement - Essay Example They were discriminated by the men of their lives including their father, brothers, and husbands. They were stereotyped to perform only the roles of child-bearers and homemakers without any opportunities for educational and professional pursuits. So, Chicana feminism began in 1970s because of the Chicano womens struggle for equality with Chicano men and the need for their prominence in the family setup. Chicana feminist movement was formally initiated in 1971, when about 600 Chicana women met in Houston, Texas for the Mujeres Por La Raza Conference, labeled as first National Chicana Conference. The Comisià ³n Femenil Mexicana Nacional was formed in 1973 and it also played an important catalytic role for Chicana feminism. A number of Chicana feminist groups were formed after the 1971 conference by Chicana women in different parts of the United States. These groups worked for the equality of Chicana women in family, professional, and social life. It also fought for their equal access to education, establishment of childcare centers, reproductive rights, and others However, when viewed from another perspective, the chicana feminist movement was criticized or blamed for tearing certain key values of the Chicana culture, because Chicana feminists were viewed as anti-culture and anti-family. So, the question that arises is: Does the Chicano feminist movement focused more on gender inequalities or cultural
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Online Game Defense Of The Ancients Media Essay
Online Game Defense Of The Ancients Media Essay Nowadays, game are well known by people around the world. Many people play games for many reason. Some of them play games for the sake of entertainment but there are also some people who make game as a work field. Furthermore, games give an activity besides reading a book, sport activities, and hang out. The tremendous popularity of game can be attributed, in part, to characteristic elements of games that fulfill certain societal and personal needs. Some of these elements are real-time interaction goal and stages. Increasing audience and expanding demographic point to the further evolution of video game in their ability to incorporate these elements in way that fulfills players needs. Different game elements appeal differently to people. Culture and society have a major impact on the success of game because of this ability (rabin, 2010, p 55) There are so many games which are play by poeple, it starts with nintendo, playstation, and online game. Online game already spread out over the world, because of the globalization era that use the high technology such as internet. The player of the game, also known as gamers are actually children until adults, and most of them are male. The contunuing intense interest in computer game may be een from a number of factors. The entertainment software association repotted on the popularity of computer games. The average game lplayer was found to be 35 years old and had been playing games for 12 years, furthermore, 40% of game players were found to be female. (tobias and fletcher, 2011. P. 5) One of the online game is DotA ( Defense of the ancient ) the popularity of dota is also well known for gamers in indonesia. The indonesian gamers are basically children and adults. There number is growing over time and will still increase in the next two until five years ( Dota is a short for defense of the ancient, this game can be played on-lined and offline with using LAN ( local area network). Dota is strategy game were players can choose sides and heroes. There are two sides in this game, the sentinel and the scrouge. There are 108 choice of heroes that we can choose, it is defided in 57 heroes in sentinel sides and 51 heroes in the scrouge sides, because there are alot choice of heroes, the team can created their own combos and strategy to make a powerfull line ups and beat the opponent. The purpose of this game is to destroy the opponent base. Heroes started in a level 1 and can leveled up until 25 times, hero gain level up during this game by killing oppone nt creature called creep and opponent heros. Hero gained new skill when they leveled up. This game can bey played starting one versus one up to five versus five. Dota was originally developed by map maker named eul. There was a various kind of map dota, the one whose most popular is dota allstars. Guinsoo is the dota allstars map developer, when he was retired, he substituted by icefrog until now Although this came can be played in one versus one mode, but this game can be more interesting and challenging if played in five versus five mode. The player should ncan be cooperate with the team and together create the strategy to win the game. The popularity of DotA has increase over time and got many attention from many people in the world. In June 2008, Michael Walbridge, writing for Gamasutra, stated thet DotA is likely the most popular and most-discussed free. Non-supported game mod in the world. In pointing to the strong community built around the game, Walbridge stated that DotA shows it is much easier for a community game to be maintained by the community, and this is one of the maps greatest strengths (blog dota, 2011,p2) In this paper the writer wants to observe the phenomenon of on-line game, in this case the writer will focus to discuss about the phenomenon game DotA(Defence Of The Ancients) In Sedes Sapientiae senior high school. C. FIELD OF THE STUDY The field of the study is focused on literature, especially Pop culture D. SCOPE OF THE STUDY In this case, the writer used online game Defense of the Ancient all stars (DotA) as his reasearch. Popular culture are the approaches which his choose to know how the popular of this game in Sedes Sapientiae high school. E. PROBLEM FORMULATION The writer has two major problems in this research: What makes DotA popular for students in Sedes Sapiantiae high school? What makes student in Sedes Sapiantiae start to play DotA? F. OBJECTIVES OF THE STUDY From the problem formulation above, the writer has two objectives to answer that problems formulation: To find the aspects/elements that make DotA is popular in Sedes Sapiantiae To find the reason that makes student play DotA G. SIGNIFICANCE OF THE STUDY This research is intended to increase the knowledge about popular culture and to discuss and prove the phenomenon of the popularv culture of games Defense of the Ancient in the Sedes Sapiantiae high school student. H. DEFINITION OF TERMS In this reasearch, there arev two terms that need explanation in order to avoid confusion from the readers. Those terms are the words popular culture and on-line game. H. 1 Popular culture Popular culture is the shared knowledge and practices of a specific group a specific time. Because of its commonality, pop culture both reflects and influences the peoples way of life; because it is linked to a specific time and places, pop culture is transitory, subject to change, and often an initiator of change (EKA =salah) An obvious starting point in any attempt to define popular culture is to say that popular culture is simply culture that is widely favoured or well liked by many people (Storey, 2010, p.5) H.2 Online Game According to, online game is a game that can be run from an internet browser and requires the I-net connection. In most cases online games are freeware programs that can be used for an unlimited time and are available for free. H. 3 Phenomenon According to the American Heritage Dictionari Of The English Language, phenomenon is an accuirance, circumstance, or fact that is perceptible by the senses. H. 4 Sedes Sapientiae A senior high school in Semarang that located in Letjen MT. Hariyono street, number 908, peterongan, Semarang. REVIEW OF LITERATURE I.1 History of Game Game is of the popular culture product in the world. The first concept of games was discovered by Beaur since 1949. In 1949, a young engineer named Ralph Baer was given an assignment to build a television set. He was not suppoused to build just any television set, but one thet would be the absolute best of all television. This was not a problem for Baer, but he wanted to go beyond his original assignmet and in corporate some kind of game into the set. He didnt know excatly what kind of game he had in mind, but it didnt really matter because his manager mixed the idea. It would take another 18 years for his idea to become a reality, and by the time there would be other people to share in the glory, like Willy Higinbotham, who dwesigned an interactive tennis game played on an oscilloscoope, and Steve Russell, who programed a rudimentary space game on a DEC PDP-1 mineframe computer. And then there was also nolan bushnell, who played that space game, and dreamed of a time when fairground midweast would be field with games powered by computers. (Herman, Horwitz, Kent, and Miller, 2002. P 1 ) Through the research and some development in game, there was a bunch of variety of game such as : offline game and on-line game. The writer focusing to discuss about on-line game based on Borko Furth in 2008 online game is fairness in online games is concerned with the problem of ansuring that players perceive the game evolution in the same movement, despite different network latencies ( Furth, 2008. P. 2008) I.2 History of DotA One of the online games is dota. Dota concept and its gameplay is adopting a lot from aeon of strife. Aeon of strife also known as AOS, is a modified map that pioneered the concept of players choosing a single hero for the collective objective of destroying the opposing teams base. Defense of the ancient was originally created for warcraft III: Reign of chaos by lead progammer Eul up until the release of warcraft III: The Frozen Throne. Eul did not continue the development onto the frozen Throne; and instead, made the map open source before officially shutting down development. DotA all-stars became the most popular version, and it still the most widely plyaed map today. Dota All Stars DotA all-stars is a custom map and it was development from the current version Defense of the Ancientsm or DotA for short, is a modification of warcraft 3 Frozen Throne. The current version that is a modification by the mainstream group of gamers is version 5.84c, also know as DotA Allstars ( Aziz, 2005. P 16) The Guinsoo While the true origins of DotA All-stars still remains in question today, many DotA players and community members attribute the creation of DotA All-Stars with its first mainstream developer, Guinsoo, who built a majority of the systems that make it popular today. While tbhe concept of using single heroes to accomplish an objective had previously existed (See AoS), Guinsoo created a large number of interesting and unique heroes in addition to uniquely fun item- crafting system, much of which still exist today. (Chart of Heroes) Guinsoo is atributtet to creating and running DotA smost well known clan, Clan TDA (Theme DotA All Stars). Some controversy remins to this day regarding the creation of DotA All-Stars wirth avoid players of the original DotA presenting Guinsoo for supposedly stealing the game concept, action scripts, and ideas of the original DotA. Guinsoo, for his part, maintains that the map was created from scratch (besides the map layout and based only spiritually on Euls work. While, the real reason is still in question, there are some rumors linking Guinsoos departure from the DotA community for world of Warcraft. Guinsoos last official version was version 6.01 The Icefrog Upon Guinsoos departurev shortly after the release of version 6.01 on February 28th, 2005, players. Icefrog and Neichus took over development. Neichushas since dropped from view, and Icefrog is now thec primary point for DotA All-Stars development. While the development of new heroes and items have slowed since Guinsoos development, Icefrog is primarily attributed with bug fixes, tweaks, and balances. In DotA there was a complicated game play that contain of job, role in playing game and also building item, what makes interesting. Every game is different. You buy different items, you lane against different opponents, you have different combod, you pick different heroes, you plan different attacks, etc. Variation is important to stay addicted on something. Nobody would want to do same things over and over again. (Rodriguez, 2011. P14) Role of playing game DotA is a strategy game with a bunch of development by many people in case of playing it. In this game there are some role that you must choose and suitable for your team, each role have a different job. There are Five role in playing DotA : Ganker A hero that usually had decent stunt ability, has slow, or disable, is perfect to ganking a hero. Ganker usually ganks with groups, they never gank alone. The ganker job is to mobile and gank any enemy carry (if it is possible). Carry : Sometimes called as a Hitter because their primary job is auto attack. But dont be surprised, not only Agility or Strength heroes that can be carry, intelligence heroes has some few carries like Tinker and Storm Spirit. But they dont do the auto-attack, they cast spam spells, spells, spells, and much spells. The carry job is to farm a lot. Killing, and juggling. Support An hero that helps the team, supports usually have heaking abikities, protection skills, and some supporting abilities. Support usually known as Baby Sitter, they usually laning with a carry, to let them farm meanwhile the support is covering them. Support job is to Let carry farm, Support team, and Mobile. Initiator A unique rolr. Initiator are divided into 2 more roles, they are tanker, and Nuker. Tanker job is to tank everytime war happen and to block creeps Nuker job is to spam every single spell that you can on every war and stay behind when war, the longer you can survive, the more damage you can dealt. So, the main point of initiator is, they are the war heroes. Pusher A hero that has abilities to destroy a waves of creeps in instant, or even destroying a tower in seconds. Pusher job is to mobile pushing and prevent being ganked when pushing. Build up item Playing this game is not always depend on the team, you must support your own hero with a suitable and effective equip. The equipment in this game basically has the function for : improve attack, improve defence, regeneration, supporting aura, and get special ability. Team Work Game This game need a team work. First you playing this game, is hard to blend with your team yet, when you get the chemistry you will enjoy playing this game with your team. Playing with team mates is more addicting than playing alone. J. Method of data collection and analysis J.1 Method of data collection The writer would do library reasearch book, internet, and article that related to the topic. J.2 Participant The studebts of sedes Saptentiae senior high school grade I III J.3 Procudure Firstly the writer make a questionare about the popularity of DotA of studebts in Sedes Sapiantiae senior high school. After thet the writer give it to the students, and after that the writer analyze it, and make the data. J.4 Method of analysis Analysis the game by searching in internet and search the theory in and then Calculate the answer from questionnaire and make the conclusion from that questionnaire.
Friday, October 25, 2019
James Gregory :: essays research papers fc
James Gregory is described as "the greatest scientist associated it St. Andrews". Gregory contributed many diverse consepts and helped spread the new teachings of his time. CHILDHOOD & EDUCATION James Gregory was born in a small town just outside of Aberdeen, called Drmoak, Scotland. When he was little James suffered from quartan fever for a year and a half. Because of the fever he was afflicted with fevers in 72 hour intervals. His mother introduced basic math and geometry at a very young age. Gregory was home schooled untill his fater, a wealthy minister, died when James was about 13 years old. After his father died, his older brother, David, sent him to grammar school in Aberdeed. After finishing grammar school James attended Marischal College, Aberdeen University. MAJOR ACCOMPLISHMENTS Shortly after college he began to study optics and the construction of telescopes, and wrote his first book, Optica Promota ^1. In 1663 James went to London where he published Optica Promota, which discussed topics such as lenses, mirrors, reflection and refraction, paralax and transits. Optica Promota also discussed Gregory's most famous invention, the reflective telescope. It later became known and the Gregorian Telescope. However, at the time the telescope was only discussed because the mirror polishers could not polish the mirrors properly, so it was never auctually made untill after Gregory's death. He laso invented the feflective burning mirror. In 1664 James went to Puda, Italy and studied under Stefano degli Angeli in geometry, mechanics, and astronomy. While he was there, the published two more worksVera circuli et hyperbolae in which James showed how to compute logarithms by finding the areas of inscribed parallelograms between a hyperbola and its asymptotes, thus leading t o the term "hyperbolic logarithms" in 1667. ^2 And Geometriae para universalis where he attempted to prove that the (little shape thingy that i cant type ...looks like a n mixed with pi) and e are transcendual, unfortunatly, his arguments contained a subtle error which was published in 1668, right before he left Italy for London. In 1668, he was elected as a member of the Royal Society of London. James was appointed the chair professor of mathematics at the University of St. Andrewsin 1669 where he greatly improved the mathematics department. He bought instruments such as clocks, astrolabes, and an armillary spere, he also planned an observatory. However, the masters of the university began to dislike Gregory's new teachings.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Introduction to Art Principles Essay
Writing about art can come across as something extremely challenging for someone who does not have any previous knowledge about art. A formal analysis is a breakdown of the artistesââ¬â¢ materials and how it is used and making a prediction the meaning of the piece. Besides the basic drawing classes I took in high school, a person like me could probably write a general paper on art but may not be able to put together and analytic essay. In the ââ¬Å"Formal Analysis and Styleâ⬠chapter of the Barnet book, it teaches you how to write a formal analysis, what formal analysis means, and what you should know about a piece of artwork before writing a one. In the beginning of the chapter, Barnet makes it fairly clear that a formal analysis is not a description of art, simply because of the fact that a description is based on what any person might see, rather than someone who is looking for the actual meaning of the work. The chapter then goes into detail on what you should look for when writing a formal analysis. Style conveys different ââ¬Å"distinguishing characteristicsâ⬠in artwork. Itââ¬â¢s how we can categorize types of art (sculpture, painting) and time periods. Next, Barnet shows the reader how to begin to structure a formal analysis. He states that after analyzing the piece, basic notes, or the scratch outline, should be written. Once your scratch outline is finished, your notes should be organized and a more detailed outline should be formed. Once completed you should begin to write a draft. Barnet stresses the importance of knowing ââ¬Å"what each paragraph says, and what each paragraph does.â⬠Knowing the difference between drawings and paintings, sculptures, and architecture, in books and on the Internet is the last thing Barnet mentions in this chapter. He points out the pros and cons of this form of access to art. In conclusion, I fell like this chapter helped me understand how to properly write a formal analysis. However someone with knowledge could benefit just as much as someone who has no prior knowledge.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Battle of the Somme and Source
How far does Source 3 challenge the impression given in Sources 1 and 2 that the Battle of the Somme had achieved worthwhile objectives? Having analysed all 3 sources, it can be said that source 3 significantly challenges sources 1 and 2 giving an entirely different perspective on the battle of the Somme. Source 1 is an extract from Sir Douglas Haigââ¬â¢s final dispatch, published in March 1919. This source begins to describe the Battle of the Somme as a tremendous victory.Haig claims that ââ¬Å"The three main objectivesâ⬠¦ had been achieved. â⬠Haig also then begins to describe the three objectives, ââ¬Å"Verdun had been relievedâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ , ââ¬Å"German forces had been held downâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ and ââ¬Å"the enemyââ¬â¢s strength had been considerably worn downâ⬠. Haig also claims that as the objectives had been ââ¬Å"achievedâ⬠this was enough to ââ¬Å"â⬠¦justify the Somme Battle. â⬠This source was published shortly after the war in 1919, b ut was a few years after the Battle of the Somme allowing some time for the truth about the events of the battle to emerge.The source has some limitations as it was an extract from Haigââ¬â¢s own writing, who was Commander-in-Chief of the British Forces therefore the source may be bias towards Britain and their success in the battle. The purpose of the source was to inform people of Haigââ¬â¢s perception of the battle and due to this being one personââ¬â¢s view, the accuracy of the source cannot be verified. Source 2 is extract from a book published in 1929 by Charles Carrington who was a Junior Officer during the time of the Battle.Similar to source 1, this source was written by someone who had authority in the armed forces, and describes the Battle of the Somme as another ââ¬Å"moralâ⬠booster for the British Army. The author of the source states there was a ââ¬Å"definite and growing sense of superiority over the enemyâ⬠and by the use of the word ââ¬Å"defi niteâ⬠the use of facts is now apparent. In contrast, later on in the source Carrington states ââ¬Å"we were quite sure at the time that we had got the Germans beatenâ⬠¦Ã¢â¬ and by using the phrase ââ¬Å"quite sureâ⬠it is now apparent that facts are no longer the basis of this source.Unlike source 1 where Haig describes the Somme Battle as a complete victory, Carrington quickly states that ââ¬Å"we did not win a decisive victoryâ⬠but is quick to reverse this by stating ââ¬Å"â⬠¦next spring we would deliver the knock-out blowâ⬠showing that he feels the end of the war is near. This source was published many years after the war, but it was published by someone who was there, similar to source 1.Also similar to source 1, this source is the view of someone with authority and someone with a high ranking position within the armed forces therefore their opinion may be bias towards the Somme and the British Army. Source 3 is part of an interview with Cor poral W. H. Shaw in the 1960s where Shaw is recalling the first day of the Battle. Already this source differs to sources 1 and 2 as it is no longer an extract but part of an interview. Shaw starts of the source with ââ¬Å"we did not get anywhere, we never moved from the line, hardlyâ⬠.This is different to source 1 where Haig claims ââ¬Å"Verdun had been relievedâ⬠. Shaw states that ââ¬Å"our men were just falling back into our trenchesâ⬠which significantly differs to Carringtonââ¬â¢s statement that ââ¬Å"we had got the Germans beatenâ⬠. Shaw claims that the events of the some were ââ¬Å"sheer bloody murderâ⬠and that ââ¬Å"whatever was gained it wasnââ¬â¢t worth the price the men had to payâ⬠which is in contrast with source 1 where Haig claims that the results of the Somme where ââ¬Å"sufficient to justifyâ⬠the battle.This purpose of this source is to spread light on the Somme battle and release the truth about the event. Because t his source was by a member of the British Forces and who of which is supplying eyewitness accounts of the events at the front line, this source can be classes as highly reliable. Due to the date of the source, it can be argued that Shawââ¬â¢s memory may be slightly skewed but due to the lack of censorship at this time compared to during the time of the war, Shaw can now freely speak about the events of the Somme.Throughout all 3 sources it is noticeable that soldiers and officers of a higher rank are more likely to support the Battle of the Somme and argue that it achieved its objectives. Throughout sources 1 and 2, Officer Carrington and General Haig are extremely supportive of the Somme battle. This is demonstrated by Haigââ¬â¢s claims of ââ¬Å"the three main objectivesâ⬠¦ had been achievedâ⬠and Carringtonââ¬â¢s view that ââ¬Å"we had got the Germans beatenâ⬠.However, neither of these men were likely to have engaged in any front line combat within the tre nches during the Battle of the Somme. This is why source 3 proves very useful as an account of the first day at the Somme. Shaw describes the battle as ââ¬Å"sheer bloody murderâ⬠and crushes Carringtonââ¬â¢s claims of ââ¬Å"superiorityâ⬠with accounts such as ââ¬Å"men were just falling back into the trenchâ⬠. Therefore it can be argued that Source 3 significantly challenges the view given in sources 1 and 2 that the Battle of the Somme achieved its worthwhile objectives.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Republican Women in the US Senate 2017ââ¬2019
Republican Women in the US Senate 2017ââ¬â2019 Five women represent Republicans as senators in the 115th Congress, running from 2017 through 2019. The number is one fewer than for the previous Congress as New Hampshires Kelly Ayotte lost re-election by only about 1,000 votes. Alaska: Lisa Murkowski First Elected: 2004 (Appointed in 2002 to fill a vacancy)Next Election: 2022 Lisa Murkowski is a moderate Republican from Alaska with a roller-coaster history. In 2002, she was appointed to the seat by her father, Frank Murkowski, who vacated it after being elected Governor. This move was viewed unfavorably by the public and she barely won her first full term in 2004. She won the seat by just 3 points on the same day George W. Bush won the state by more than 25 points. After Sarah Palin routed her father in the 2006 Gubernatorial primary, Palin and conservatives backed Joe Miller in 2010. Though Miller beat Murkowski in the primary, she launched a surprisingly successful write-in campaign and ended up winning a close three-way race. Iowa: Joni Ernst First Elected: 2014Next Election: 2020 Joni Ernst. Getty Imagesà Joni Ernst was the surprise candidate of the 2014 election cycle as she handily won the US Senate seat vacated by long-serving Democrat Tom Harkin. Democrat Bruce Braley was supposed to be the easy winner, but Ernst played to her Iowa roots and got off to a fast start after running a television spot comparing the castration of pigs to cutting pork in Washington. Ernst is a lieutenant colonel in the Iowa National Guard and had served in the Iowa State Senate since 2011. She won her US Senate seat in 2014 by 8.5 points. Maine: Susan Collins First Elected: 1996Next Election: 2020 Susan Collins is a moderate Republican from the Northeast, one of the few remaining as liberal Democrats have steadily increased their hold in the region. She is socially liberal and center-right on economic issues and she was a strong advocate for small businesses prior to her career in the US Senate. Collins is easily the most popular figure in the state and has seen her vote share increase in every election since 1996 when she won with just 49 percent of the vote. In 2002, she won with 58 percent of the vote, followed by 62 percent in 2012, then 68 percent in 2014. In 2020, she will be 67 years old and Republicans hope she stays around a bit longer. Nebraska: Deb Fischer First Elected: 2012Next Election: 2018 Deb Fischer represented one of the few highlights in the 2012 election for both conservatives and the Republican Party. She was not expected to be a contender in the GOP primary and was heavily outspent by two higher-profile Republicans in the state. Near the end of the primary campaign, Fischer received the endorsement of Sarah Palin and subsequently surged in the polls, landing a surprise win in the primary. Democrats saw this as an opening for former US Senator Bob Kerrey, who held the seat as recently until 2001. But it wasnt meant to be for the Democrats, and she defeated him in the general election by a landslide. Fischer is a rancher by trade and served in the state legislature since 2004. Senators Deb Fischer (lower center) and Shelley Moore Capito (above) celebrate passing the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. Getty Images West Virginia: Shelley Moore Capito First Elected: 2014Next Election: 2020 Shelley Moore Capito served seven terms in the US House of Representatives before deciding on a run for the US Senate. At the time, five-term Democratic incumbent Jay Rockefeller had not yet announced his plans. He opted for retirement rather than face the first real challenge of his career in more than two decades. Capito easily won both the Republican primary and the general election, becoming the first woman elected to the US Senate in West Virginia history. She also won a Senate seat for the GOP for the first time since the 1950s. Capito is a moderate Republican, but a solid upgrade from the 50-plus year drought for conservatives in the state.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Free Essays on Lucid Dreaming
## Roughly one-third of our lives are spent sleeping, and a significant amount of this time is spent dreaming. You have the ability to be conscious, awake, and well, lucid, in your dreams. Lucid dreaming is dreaming while being aware of being in a dream state. The term ââ¬Å"lucid,â⬠coined by Frederik Van Eeden in 1913, is used in the sense of mental clarity. Lucid dreaming is nothing more than becoming aware that you are dreaming. However, among these people, the amount of control and clarity varies greatly. A low- level lucid dream is one where you know youââ¬â¢re dreaming, but thatââ¬â¢s it. In experiencing a higher level lucid dream, you have the power to control, influence, and react to various events and contents of the dream. For whoever achieves this state of lucidity, the benefits are potentially enormous. It gives you the chance to experience adventures unsurpassed in everyday life. You can, literally, do anything you wish; the only limits you are bound to, are set by your imagination. ââ¬Å"Lucid dreaming gives us the ability to tap the power of the unconscious, and subconscious mind, giving us a valuable insight into our daily livesââ¬Å" (Gackenbach/Bosveld). By learning to make the best of the worst situation imaginable, you can overcame nightmares and fears in the waking world. There are several techniques for inducing a lucid dream, and The Lucidity Institute, Inc., founded in 1987 by lucid dreaming researcher Dr. Stephen LaBerge to support research on lucid dreams and to help people learn to use them to enhance their lives, has created special devices to assist people in achieving lucid dreams. Inducing lucid dreams takes concentration, effort, and time, which some people may not be wanting to sacrifice to learn what they perceive as a ââ¬Å"pointlessâ⬠skill. The key is perseverance, and you will be successful. Some people have been able to... Free Essays on Lucid Dreaming Free Essays on Lucid Dreaming ## Roughly one-third of our lives are spent sleeping, and a significant amount of this time is spent dreaming. You have the ability to be conscious, awake, and well, lucid, in your dreams. Lucid dreaming is dreaming while being aware of being in a dream state. The term ââ¬Å"lucid,â⬠coined by Frederik Van Eeden in 1913, is used in the sense of mental clarity. Lucid dreaming is nothing more than becoming aware that you are dreaming. However, among these people, the amount of control and clarity varies greatly. A low- level lucid dream is one where you know youââ¬â¢re dreaming, but thatââ¬â¢s it. In experiencing a higher level lucid dream, you have the power to control, influence, and react to various events and contents of the dream. For whoever achieves this state of lucidity, the benefits are potentially enormous. It gives you the chance to experience adventures unsurpassed in everyday life. You can, literally, do anything you wish; the only limits you are bound to, are set by your imagination. ââ¬Å"Lucid dreaming gives us the ability to tap the power of the unconscious, and subconscious mind, giving us a valuable insight into our daily livesââ¬Å" (Gackenbach/Bosveld). By learning to make the best of the worst situation imaginable, you can overcame nightmares and fears in the waking world. There are several techniques for inducing a lucid dream, and The Lucidity Institute, Inc., founded in 1987 by lucid dreaming researcher Dr. Stephen LaBerge to support research on lucid dreams and to help people learn to use them to enhance their lives, has created special devices to assist people in achieving lucid dreams. Inducing lucid dreams takes concentration, effort, and time, which some people may not be wanting to sacrifice to learn what they perceive as a ââ¬Å"pointlessâ⬠skill. The key is perseverance, and you will be successful. Some people have been able to...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Major Events That Led to the American Revolution
Major Events That Led to the American Revolution The American Revolution was a war between the 13 British Colonies in North America and Great Britain. It lasted fromà April 19, 1775, toà Sept. 3, 1783, a little over 8 years, and resulted in independence for the colonies.à Timeline of the War The following timeline discusses the events that led to the American Revolution,à beginning with the end of the French and Indian War in 1763. It follows the thread of increasingly unpopular British policies against the American colonies until the colonists objections and actions led to open hostility. The war itself would last from 1775 with the Battles of Lexington and Concord until the official end of hostilities in February 1783. The Treaty of Paris was later signed in September of the same year. 1763 February 10 - The Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War. After the war, the British continue to fight a number of Indian rebellions including one led by Chief Pontiac of the Ottawa Indians. The financially draining war combined with the increased military presence for protection will be the impetus for many future taxes and actions of the British government against the colonies.October 7 - The Proclamation of 1763 is signed forbidding settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains. This area is to be set aside and governed as Indian territory. 1764 April 5 - Grenville Acts pass parliament. These include a number of acts aimed at raising revenue to pay for the French and Indian War debts along with the cost of administering the new territories granted at the end of the war. They also include measures to increase the efficiency of the American custom system. The most objectionable part was the Sugar Act, known in England as the American Revenue Act. It increased duties on items ranging from sugar to coffee to textiles.April 19 - The Currency Act passes Parliament, prohibiting the colonies from issuing legal tender paper money.May 24 - Boston town meeting protesting the Grenville measures. James Otis first discusses the complaint of taxation without representation and calls for the colonies to unite.June 12-13 - Massachusetts House of Representatives creates a Committee of Correspondence to communicate with the other colonies about their grievances.August - Boston merchants begin a policy of nonimportation of British luxury goods as a form of protest against the British economic policies. This later spreads to other colonies. 1765 March 22 - The Stamp Act passes parliament. It is the first direct tax on the colonies. The purpose of the tax is to help pay for the British military stationed in America. This act is met with greater resistance and the cry against taxation without representation increases.March 24 - The Quartering Act goes into effect in the colonies requiring residents to provide housing for British troops stationed in America.May 29 - Patrick Henry begins the discussion of the Virginia Resolutions asserting the right that only Virginia has the right to tax itself. The House of Burgesses adopts some of his less radical statements including the right to self-government.July - Sons of Liberty organizations are founded in towns across the colonies in order to fight against the stamp agents, often with outright violence.October 7-25 - Stamp Act Congress occurs in New York City. It includes representatives from Connecticut, Delaware, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania, Rhode Is land, and South Carolina. Petition against the Stamp Act is created to be delivered to King George III. November 1 - The Stamp Act goes into effect and all business is basically stopped as colonists refuse to use the stamps. 1766 February 13 - Benjamin Franklin testifies before Parliament about the Stamp Act and warns that if the military is used to enforce it, this could lead to open rebellion.March 18 - The Stamp Act is repealed. However, the Declaratory Act is passed which gives the British government the power to legislate any laws of the colonies without restriction.December 15 - The New York Assembly continues to fight against the Quartering Act, refusing to allocate any funds for housing the soldiers. The crown suspends the legislature on December 19th. 1767 June 29 - Townshend Acts pass parliament introducing a number of external taxes including duties on items like paper, glass, and tea. Additional infrastructure is set up to ensure enforcement in America.October 28 - Boston decides to reinstate nonimportation of British goods in response to the Townshend Acts.December 2 - John Dickinson publishes Letters From a Farmer in Pennsylvania to the Inhabitants of the British Colonies explaining the issues with British actions to tax the colonies. It is highly influential. 1768 February 11 - Samuel Adams sends a letter with the approval of the Massachusetts Assembly arguing against the Townshend Acts. It is later protested by the British government.April - An increasing number of legislative assemblies support Samuel Adams letter.June - After a confrontation over Customs violations, John Hancocks ship Liberty is seized in Boston. Customs officials are threatened with violence and escape to Castle William in Boston Harbor. They send out a request for help from British troops.September 28 - British warships arrive to help support the customs officials in Boston Harbor.October 1 - Two British regiments arrive in Boston to maintain order and enforce customs laws. 1769 March - A growing number of key merchants support nonimportation of goods listed in the Townshend Acts.May 7 - George Washington presents nonimportation resolutions to the Virginia House of Burgesses. Proclamations are sent out from Patrick Henry and Richard Henry Lee to King George III.May 18 - After the Virginia House of Burgesses is dissolved, the delegates including George Washington meet at the Raleigh Tavern in Williamsburg to endorse the nonimportation agreement. 1770 March 5 - Boston Massacre occurs killing five colonists and injuring six. This is used as a propaganda piece against the British military.April 12 - English crown partially repeals the Townshend Acts except for the duties on tea. 1771 July - Virginia becomes the last colony to abandon the nonimportation pact after the repeal of the Townshend Acts. 1772 June 9 - The British customs vessel Gaspee is attacked off the coast of Rhode Island. The men are set ashore and the boat is burned.September 2 - The English crown offers a reward for the capture of those who burnt the Gaspee. The offenders are to be sent to England for trial which upsets many colonists as it violates self-rule.November 2 - A Boston town meeting led by Samuel Adams results in a 21-member committee of correspondence to coordinate with other Massachusetts towns against the threat to self-rule. 1773 May 10 - The Tea Act goes into effect, retaining the import tax on tea and giving the East India Company the ability to undersell colonial merchants.December 16 - The Boston Tea Party occurs. After months of growing consternation with the Tea Act, a group of Boston activists dressed as Mohawk Indians and boarded tea ships anchored in Boston Harbor in order to dump 342 casks of tea into the water. 1774 February - All colonies except North Carolina and Pennsylvania have created committees of correspondence.March 31 - The Coercive Acts pass parliament. One of these is the Boston Port Bill which does not allow any shipping except for military supplies and other approved cargo to go through the port until the customs duties and the cost of the Tea Party are paid for.May 13 - General Thomas Gage, the commander of all British forces in the American colonies, arrives in Boston with four regiments of troops.May 20 - Additional Coercive Acts are passed. The Quebec Act is termed intolerable as it in part the southern boundary of Canada is extended into areas claimed by Connecticut, Massachusetts, and Virginia.May 26 - Virginia House of Burgesses is dissolved.June 2 - A revised and more onerous Quartering Act is passed.September 1 - General Gage seizes the Massachusetts Colonys arsenal at Charlestown.September 5 - The First Continental Congress meets with 56 delegates in Carpenters Hall in Ph iladelphia. September 17 - The Suffolk Resolves are issued in Massachusetts urging that the Coercive Acts are unconstitutional.October 14 - The First Continental Congress adopts a Declaration and Resolves against the Coercive Acts, the Quebec Acts, the Quartering of troops, and other objectionable British actions. These resolutions include the rights of the colonists including that of life, liberty, and property.October 20 - A Continental Association is adopted to coordinate nonimportation policies.November 30 - Thomas Paine moves to America.December 14 - Massachusetts militiamen attack the British arsenal at Fort William and Mary in Portsmouth after being warned of a plan to station troops there. 1775 January 19 - The Declarations and Resolves are presented to parliament.February 9 - Massachusetts is declared in a state of rebellion.February 27 - Parliament accepts a conciliatory plan, removing many of the taxes and other issues brought up by the colonists.March 23 - Patrick Henry gives his famous Give me liberty or give me death, speech at the Virginia Convention.March 30 - The crown endorses the New England Restraining Act that does not allow for trade with countries other than England and also bans fishing in the North Atlantic.April 14 - General, now Governor, Gage in Massachusetts is ordered to use any force necessary to apply all British acts and to stop any buildup of a colonial militia.April 18-19 - Considered by many to be the beginning of the actual American Revolution, the Battles of Lexington and Concord begin with the British heading to destroy a colonial arms depot in Concord Massachusetts.
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Operations Management LongXi Manufacturing Essay
Operations Management LongXi Manufacturing - Essay Example LongXi under the management of Zhang Lin is faced with important problems in line with product quality and its team. LongXi is faced with this significant problem that specifically tries to hinder its long-term goal for the future. It is important to address this problem so that it will not hinder its potential to create high standard quality management in the future. LongXi and its quality management problem absolutely encompassed the issue of how the company should obtain its competitive advantage. In the midst of on-going competition, LongXi remarkably needs to compete with significant quality in its product offerings. The issue is not just on quality improvement of its offerings and restructuring its quality improvement team, but the problem itself boils down to how LongXi should survive in the midst of highly competitive environment with too many choices for the customers to choose from. How then should LongXi differentiate its product offerings even if it has significant qualit y improvement is the most specific issue aside from the issue of quality improvement management. Situation Analysis LongXiââ¬â¢s position in the Chinese small diesel engine market LongXiââ¬â¢s position in the Chinese small diesel engine market is heading to international scope. As the demand for product offerings within diesel engine industry increases as far as the Chinese economic reform is concerned, competition increases within the international business setting. China is competitive enough to go for low-cost production which gives the ability of the Chinese market to have at least around 25% less cost in production compared to Japan. However, prior to this significant market trend, LongXi has been creating a major market share considering that small diesel engine market particularly in the agriculture and machinery sector was pushed to pursue even more due to Chinese economic reform. This economic reform paved way for LongXi to promote product offerings that cater the nee ds and increasing demand in the market. However, competition within its industry has become too intense as the demand increases. As a result, there is a need to augment production. The capacity of production needs to be improved as the demand continues to reach an upward spiraling growth. However, LongXi is willing to invest in new improved technology to ensure quality and stretch its production. It is not going to help on its part to rely on other organizations producing duo-gear shaft (DGS) because there is just limited number of them and are already having their production over-stretched. Thus, in house management is necessary. As a result to this, LongXi has remarkable market share in China as it overstretched production. Furthermore, as the country continues to lead economically, there is a good chance to expose produced product offerings of the said company into the world. This particularly is a promising output considering that LongXi is aiming for low-cost production with hi gh standard quality. As a result, there is going to be a low-cost price of its product offerings at a reasonably high market demand. This ensures high revenue and eventually obtaining LongXiââ¬â¢s corporate objectives. In Comparison with Chanchai Changchai is LongXiââ¬â¢s ultimate competitor in China. In Appendix Table 7, LongXi and Changchai are compared based on production volume by product, revenues, proportion of export sales, profits, gross margin per unit, extent of vertical integration, external partnerships, ISO 9000 certification, and technology investment. In 1996, LongXi was able to target production of multi-cylinder diesel engines which is higher than Changchai. This is a remarkable figure and it is in this product offering that LongXi is creating a significant competitive advantage considering that there is a great market opportunity for multi-cylinder diesel engines not just in China but in the international market. This is due to the fact that the said product offering has remarkable and practical applications. However, it
Friday, October 18, 2019
U.S. Border Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
U.S. Border Security - Essay Example For instance, activities like business, import and export of labor, tourism and inward-investment that are considered very significant in the development of a nation should be facilitated. On the other hand, tight security should be enhanced at the borders to prevent the entry of criminals seeking to violate border control and national laws (, 2003). Following the September 11 terrorist attacks, national security became the top priority in the Customs and Border Protection of the United States where federal government immediately passed the Patriot Act in the fall of 2001. The Customs and Border Protection (CBP) officers and agents implement all appropriate US laws. The CBP prevents smuggled goods, narcotics and agricultural pests from crossing the countryââ¬â¢s border. It also spots and captures warrant criminals. The attacks in US called for international cooperation in preventing and eradicating the acts of terrorism while the General Assembly of the United Nations declared supporters of the acts of terrorism be held accountable. Following this attack, efforts to combat terrorism were adopted globally. The international community through the United Nations Security Council adopted a common set of obligations with a determination to fight and end international terrorism, which was considered a threat to international peace and security (, 2011). Moreover, on September 28, 2001, the Security Council adopted a resolution that established a number of obligations to all the UN member States. Under this resolution, the UN member States were required to fight against international terrorists, their groups, organizations and supporters. Nonetheless, the members were also required to prevent the financing of terrorism and prevent terrorists from entering their States. The United States is still waging a campaign against terrorism in its state and beyond. This is evident through the action it is
Critically analyse the proposition that Non-state actors are Essay
Critically analyse the proposition that Non-state actors are irrelevant to world politics - Essay Example According to Knutsen 2007, one of the proponents of liberalism, it was noted that the world liberalist reached a point where their contribution was no longer relevant to the world politics. As a result, the growth of non state actors was the only thing that would bring more changes to the world politics. Consequently, scholars with the same idea on Liberalism argued that those supporting Realism were longer in a position to give a comprehensive theory pertaining to world politics because numerous changes had taken place since the second world war (Levelev 2011). In this regard, it is argued that realist only come up paradigm leads to unsatisfactory results that do not give the actual analysis on world politics. Conversely, scholar associated to Realism schools of thought argue that it is through this school that analyzing of world politics have taken place in the best interest of the people. Having dated back to the period of second world war, their main agenda was to ensure that that the occurrence of another war would not be possible (Levelev 2011). In this regard, scholars assumed that states were the basic imperative actors in politics with relation to seeking power that acted as means and ends to itself. Never the less, both schools of thoughts have agreed that international politics revolve around the struggle for power (Moravcsik and Milner 2006). Reinalda 2011 argues that Liberalism is the best placed theoretical framework that has been used for over three decades to clearly demonstrate the importance of non -state actors in the world politics. Basically, non-state actors comprise of both transnational organizations and international governmental organizations, non-governmental organisations, companies, social movements. Through this theoretical framework, scholars urged their
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Civilizations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3750 words
Civilizations - Essay Example The ancient civilizations of Mesopotamia, which is largely known as modern-day Iraq, Egypt, India, and China were the first to qualify as classical civilizations of the axial age. According to the majority of famous historians, a civilization is basically a process in which people belonging to a specific area shape their cultural and religious beliefs. By the same definition, the ancient Greeks qualified themselves as a unique civilization with one remarkable difference, which was the dominating priesthood that claimed a control on the sole lines of communication with the powers of mystery. In this paper, we will discuss the environmental, economic, and socio-political attributes of Greece, Roman Civilization, India, and China and compare them in order to highlight similarities and differences, which influenced the development in human history. Along with the discussion on similarities and differences, we will also discuss the decline of these famous civilizations in order to get a b etter understanding of the causes of their decline. The Axial Age The period from 800 B.C. to 200 B.C.E. is generally known as the Axial Age. It was the period when a large number of todayââ¬â¢s most famous religions were introduced to the people of that time. Modern day Iraq, Greece, and Persia are some of the most prominent civilizations of the Axial Age. At this time, the politics of the whole world mostly revolved around the area of the Middle East, which was the most stable area of that time. In that age, the civilization of Greece was reaching its peak in all aspects of life whether it was philosophy, politics, culture, or any other aspect of a good civilization. Muesse found that the rise of Zoroastrianism in Persia, emergence of Hinduism, Jainism, and Buddhism on the Indian subcontinent, and the introduction of Daoism and Confucianism in China are some of main religious development s related to the Axial Age.1 Major Ancient River-Valley Civilizations Let us now discuss th e environmental, economic, and socio-political attributes of the ancient civilizations of Greece, Roman Empire, India, and China in detail. There are remarkable coincidences which allowed these ancient societies to attain a high degree of development which qualified them to be called as civilizations. It was a coincidence that all of these ancient civilizations were located in highly fertile geographical regions of the world. This was a strategic similarity because without the fertility of the soil, these ancient civilizations would not be able to develop further from their previous precarious existence. The locations of Greece, China, India, and Rome allowed the people to develop quickly from a hunting or gathering way of life to a more peaceful and respectable way of life. Mesopotamia itself lied between the rivers Tigris and Euphrates that encompassed parts of northeastern Syria, southeastern Turkey and southwestern Iran. Gunnell states, ââ¬Å"They developed in the valley betwee n the Tigris and Euphrates, along the Nile, the Indus and Ganges, and Yellow Rivers respectivelyâ⬠.2 Both rivers had origins in the Armenian region of modern-day Turkey fed by tributaries from the Zagros mountains. The early people of Mesopotamia used to harness the fertility of soil only if they had
Management Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management Journal - Essay Example The big question will be how to allocate the available time, say twelve hours and the activities of the day. Theoretically, management can be a cheap course but it is more interesting in a real life situation as the application of the effective concepts of management to actual personal and societal needs and wants (Mejia & Cardy, 2008). We shall analyze management in real life and how proper management or mismanagement is a cost to both the individual and society at large. Management and Planning Our day to day lives involves a lot of activities from waking up, preparing breakfast, going to work, attending social functions etc. Considering the limitation of time in a day, that is, twenty four hours a day and you subtract the medically recommended resting hours, we are left with sixteen hours. The big puzzle is how to attend to all these functions and activities still maximizing their benefits and these calls for planning. This would involve listing down the activities of the day in t heir order of priority and try to allocate appropriate time and resources so as to achieve the desired objective. In real life situation, we will find that during the week some activities will not be of great importance on weekdays and can be scheduled for the weekends. Planning will be of a paramount goal so as rule in the objectivity of an activity and its corresponding returns to you as a person and to the society. Management and Organization After planning your activities and the functions of the day or week, how do you organize them for smooth transfer? As discussed above planning will curtail the order of priority of activities of the day. Organizing these activities is of the paramount importance so as save time and foresee the accomplishment of each one of them. For instance, if on a given day you are supposed to report to work, take your child to the school and visit your bank or financial broker, then you can organize these activities in relation to the length of time allo cated to each activity and the convenience involved. It will be prudent if you first report to work, and then finish our morning duties at work, take the child to the school and finally you can visit the broker in the evening or afternoon. At this juncture, reporting to work and taking the child to school will require the opportunity cost involved such that if the kid is supposed to be in school in the morning, then you can opt to be late to work for a few minutes but first take the child to school. Management and Control In real life situations we are faced with activities which tend to pull us away from the expected or targeted objective. These are short term positive and luring incidences which are too sweet to ignore but they carry a substantial drag of our objectives. For instance, you have a long term goal of saving one million dollars to finance the purchase of a house. After evaluating all of your income sources, factoring out the basic necessities and outsourcing the extra funds, your final plans shows a period of five months to achieve the objective. During this time period, unnecessary opportunities may arise which may require you to withdraw some of the saved income or at the same time divert the monthly saving to cater for ââ¬Å"short- termâ⬠that opportunity which in most case they do not bring forth returns so you end up making losses in the venture. Effective management and a solid ground, will allow you to control your spending so as to achieve the intended goal. Management and
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Iraq war Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Iraq war - Research Paper Example For a long time the United States and the Soviet Union were engaged in a Cold War (1946-1991) as they manifested their rivalry as superpowers economically, politically, militarily. The reasons it was termed as ââ¬Å"Cold Warâ⬠is because there was nothing like direct military engagement between the two superpowers. The Cold War included continuous bloody proxy wars that were directed to the developing countries of the Global South by the superpowers. The wildly recognized war of Cold War included - the Soviet-Afghan War 1979-1989, here the U.S. forces majorly concentrated ââ¬Å"in the groundâ⬠while Soviet forces concentrated ââ¬Å"on the ground.â⬠In the American-Vietnam War 1959-1975, here while the Soviet forces were engaged ââ¬Å"in the background,â⬠the U.S. forces were engaged ââ¬Å"on the ground.â⬠However, in Afghanistan and Vietnam, both the United States and Soviet forces were defeated. Negative effects such as economic hardship, political turm oil, human devastation as well as ideological argument became the subject of discussion within the developing countries of the Global South contrary to the peaceful atmosphere that existed within the countries of the Global North. Like, the aftermath of the American-Vietnam war left 3 to 4 million Vietnamese dead and the same to 1.5 to 2 million Cambodians and Laos as well as many more million of them rendered homeless turning to be refugees, while only 58,000 U.S. soldiers were killed and 300000 were left with wounds. A number approximated to be 700,000 and 1.3 million Afghans were killed in the Soviet-Afghan War and left 4.5 million of them in refugee camps mainly in Iran and Pakistan while only 15,000 Soviet troops were left dead and 37,000 got wounds. Among the strategic goals of Israel when the Cold War was at its peak was to influence the Western powers into forcing the Soviet Union to allow Soviet
Management Journal Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Management Journal - Essay Example The big question will be how to allocate the available time, say twelve hours and the activities of the day. Theoretically, management can be a cheap course but it is more interesting in a real life situation as the application of the effective concepts of management to actual personal and societal needs and wants (Mejia & Cardy, 2008). We shall analyze management in real life and how proper management or mismanagement is a cost to both the individual and society at large. Management and Planning Our day to day lives involves a lot of activities from waking up, preparing breakfast, going to work, attending social functions etc. Considering the limitation of time in a day, that is, twenty four hours a day and you subtract the medically recommended resting hours, we are left with sixteen hours. The big puzzle is how to attend to all these functions and activities still maximizing their benefits and these calls for planning. This would involve listing down the activities of the day in t heir order of priority and try to allocate appropriate time and resources so as to achieve the desired objective. In real life situation, we will find that during the week some activities will not be of great importance on weekdays and can be scheduled for the weekends. Planning will be of a paramount goal so as rule in the objectivity of an activity and its corresponding returns to you as a person and to the society. Management and Organization After planning your activities and the functions of the day or week, how do you organize them for smooth transfer? As discussed above planning will curtail the order of priority of activities of the day. Organizing these activities is of the paramount importance so as save time and foresee the accomplishment of each one of them. For instance, if on a given day you are supposed to report to work, take your child to the school and visit your bank or financial broker, then you can organize these activities in relation to the length of time allo cated to each activity and the convenience involved. It will be prudent if you first report to work, and then finish our morning duties at work, take the child to the school and finally you can visit the broker in the evening or afternoon. At this juncture, reporting to work and taking the child to school will require the opportunity cost involved such that if the kid is supposed to be in school in the morning, then you can opt to be late to work for a few minutes but first take the child to school. Management and Control In real life situations we are faced with activities which tend to pull us away from the expected or targeted objective. These are short term positive and luring incidences which are too sweet to ignore but they carry a substantial drag of our objectives. For instance, you have a long term goal of saving one million dollars to finance the purchase of a house. After evaluating all of your income sources, factoring out the basic necessities and outsourcing the extra funds, your final plans shows a period of five months to achieve the objective. During this time period, unnecessary opportunities may arise which may require you to withdraw some of the saved income or at the same time divert the monthly saving to cater for ââ¬Å"short- termâ⬠that opportunity which in most case they do not bring forth returns so you end up making losses in the venture. Effective management and a solid ground, will allow you to control your spending so as to achieve the intended goal. Management and
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
The Media (Books, Film, Music, Television, for Example Essay Example for Free
The Media (Books, Film, Music, Television, for Example Essay If to create value means to create totally new value that never exist in its current society, media is impossible to create value. Media is always derived from our society, so it always reflects and display the value already exist in our society. But, some profound works will not Just simply reflect value, but extract values from our society, strengthen it and then can affect the value of our society, which will make people consider this works create value. One innate reason that make media always reflect the value of current society is, their authors come from the current society, who are already deeply affected by the alue around them. One example is what people like and feel in different times reflect in the music. 100 years ago, when more people live in the countries, life is more peaceful, and people more like quiet and simple life, country music are popular. At time that, the lyric of the country music reflect the peaceful and simple life people enjoy. But nowadays, in our modern life, more and more people live in modern city, crowded, noisy and stressful, which make people more easily feel angry and yearn for release. So todays pop music, reflecting our modern life, are more dynamic and quick, and most of them more noisy. Some lyric of the pop music will describe a people crying for his/her dissatisfaction and pressure from the society. Another good example that media reflect value of society is how people in different areas treat sex that affects their media. In some religious countries, people consider sex as a taboo. People tend to not talk about it in public. So it is not easy to see authors describe sex explicitly in their works, no mention that public media will advertize this topic. But in western countries, sex for their people, is Just a common and regular need in their value, so it is common to see that the medias come from estern countries will even describe sex. Simply to say, books, music and all kinds of different works and value always reflect the value of the current society in their time and area. If value totally never exist in the society, new value in media cannot be created or spread there. Although all works reflect the value of the current society, the profound works would extract and highlight the value, and apply it to affect the society where it comes from. For example, in renaissance times, lots of philosophers, thinkers and sociologists created works to diffuse their value, like people are all equal, people have the right ince their birth. This value has long and deep effect on the public people that incited people to stand up and resist the privileged class. But these great philosophers, thinkers and sociologists can put this value into their works and spread it because this value nas already existed in the society But this value is not so strong and well-known, what this works do is to strengthen and deepen it into the society. In sum, all media come from society so reflect the value where they are derived. But in some degree, some profound works can strengthen the value and affect the society.
Monday, October 14, 2019
Importance of Quality and Quality Management
Importance of Quality and Quality Management NEED OF QUALITY In todays competitive world producing world class products. In order to survive in the competitive world market producing different product with best techniques, it is important for the firms to take extra mileage to the quality of product and service they provide. In the recent world consumer are aware of the products and service provided by the other firms. Also today there are government empahasis on the quality issues of the products. So firms give extra emphasis on quality and productivity. Total quality management is an attempt in this direction. In other words it is an effort to take the advantage of competitive market by focusing on the organisational operations which is important for the customers, by providing customers best product and services using new manufacturing techniques. Definition of quality The totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability to satisfy stated or implied needs Quality is the extent to which products and services satisfy the requirement of internal and external customers So the Quality Management is the leadership, infrastructure and the resources that support employees as they meet the needs of those customers. A quality product or service is one that satisfies the customer. Usually there are two types of products quality 1) Quality of design Quality of design measure the functionality of a product or services. It is the decision of designer to include or exclude certain production features. The customer really measures quality through appearance, operation and reliability. 2) Quality of performance Quality of performance measures how products and services match the intent of the design. This characteristic traditionally has been the focus of a quality management program. In this regard, quality refers to doing it right at first time. APPROACHES TO QUALITY There are 2 approaches to quality TRADITIONAL APPROACH Traditional approach to quality uses an acceptable quality level that permits a certain level of defects to a product produced and sold. The AQL is where level of defects are allowed to minimize the total quality cost. Traditional approach believes that the defects will payoff the failure cost and prevention and appraising costs. As prevention and appraisal cost increase, the internal and external cost are expected to decrease. As long the failure cost are greater than the corresponding increase in prevention and appraisal cost it is acceptable. THE MODERN APPROACH Modern approach is to GET IT RIGHT FIRST TIME. It believes in total quality control and view the optimal quality cost with Zero defects are produce. For firms operating in the advanced manufacturing environment quality is a critical dimension. Quality cost can be managed differently then implied by the traditional AQL model. Defects can be reduced below the AQL level and quality cost can be reduced simultaneously THE COST OF QUALITY Market shares of many firms have eroded because of the firms using high quality products have been able to sell mare than the products of lower price. In order to compete in the market, firms have placed quality prior to the price. Firms have placed emphasis on quality and productivity in order to Produce saving such as reducing rework cost and Improve product quality. Cost of quality is the cost due to poor quality which exist in the product. Quality cost are the cost incurred by investing in the prevention of non-conformance to requirement appraising a product or service for conformance to requirement Failing to meet requirement. Cost of quality are classified into three categories Prevention cost Prevention costs are those cost incurred to prevent defects. Amount spent on the quality training program, research to determine the customer requirement and improve production equipment are the prevention cost. Appraisal cost Appraisal cost are the cost associated with measuring, evaluating and auditing product or services to assure conformance to quality standards and performance requirement. These cost includes the cost of inspection of product purchase in process or in final or service audits ie the costs associate with products supplies and materials Failure cost Failure cost are cost resulting from products or services not fulfilling the requirements of the users need. Failure costs can be either internal or external. Internal costs are the cost occurring prior to delivery of products or furnishing the services. Example cost of scrape, rework, reinspection, retesting, material review and down grading. External costs are the cost occurring after the delivery of product or during furnish services to the customer. Example processing customer complains, returns, warranty claims and product reclaim. Total quality management total Quality Management is a global customer orientated management philosophy, which encompasses all actions, values and beliefs of an organisation which aims to continuously improves and maintain quality standards. It is a systematic approach to education, management and operation designed to focus and co-ordinate the efforts of all employees in an organisation. TQM is supported by two key beliefs: that quality is what the customers say it is and that must be thoroughly integrated into the fabric of the organisation including its basic strategies, culture and management systems. It is an essential pursuit for total quality. It is zero defect approach. It emphasises the top level of quality where zero defective goods are produced. This approach opposes the traditional belief of acceptable quality level which accepts to produce and sell predetermined defective units. This approach allows some defects in order to minimize the total quality cost. Studies indicate that cost of poor quality is 20%for the manufacturing and 30% service industries of the gross sale. Quality expert maintain that the optimal quality level should be about 2.5% of sales. The accounting dept is the major force in the firm that keep track of and report on quality PRINCIPLES OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT Making the product right first time is the main objective of total quality management. Successful implementation of TQM program will reduce cost than increasing it. It is obvious that better quality will increase productivity. This principal is based on the principle that when less time is spent on repairs and rework and more time is given on manufacturing will increase productivity. When an organisation keep the accurate records of cost of quality tqm will demonstrate that effective total quality measure cost will payoff the cost of repair and rework. Elimination of high reject rate results in fewer repairs, rework or scraps resulting in reduction in cost. Comparing the cost of quality with tqm is necessary for the management who are cost conscious in both industry and government. Management will measure the success of tqm on the basis of cost data. Successful implementation of tqm can eliminate the following costs Rework or repairs Inspection of rework Testing of rework Warranty cost Returned materials Discounts adjustment and allowances The cost of prevention in tqm is far lower than the above failure costs. FEATURES OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT A systematic way to improve the product and services A structured approach in identifying and solving problem A long term method of quality control A process support by managements action A process that is supported by statistical quality control A technique practice by everyone. ELEMENTS OF TOTAL QUALITY MANAGEMENT A focus on the customers:- Any functional unit has customers whether they are external customer or internal units. tqm advocates that the managers and employee are so customer focus that they always try to meet or exceed customers expectations. The management must accept concept that quality gets customer orders and meet the customers needs and expectations which is the stretagic goal of tqm Long term commitments: Experience shows that significant gains come only after management makes long time commitment to improve quality. Customer focus must be constantly renewed to keep that goal foremost. Top management support and direction: The top management must be driving force behind tqm. Senior manager must show their personal support by using the quality improvement concept in their management style and providing financial and staff support. Employee involvement Full employee participation is the integral part of this process. Every employee must participate in achieving this goal. It involves managers, supervisors and employees in improving service delivery, solving systematic problems and correcting errors in the all the parts of production process. Effective and Renewed Communications. The power of internal communication is central to employee involvement. Regular communication must be made at all levels in order to adjust its way of involvement and reinforce the commitment to total quality management. Reliance on standards and Measures Standard and measures should reflect customers requirement and changes that needs to be introduced in the internal business of providing this requirement. This emphasis doing the right thing right the first time. Commitment to Training Training is very important for the success of total quality management. This should start for the top level management to all associated with this task. Areas required for concentration must be identified. Required trainings skills and courses need to be provided to the person involved in. Modern approach to quality are associated with a number of GURUS. The modern approach to quality is reflected in the following quality gurus. The modern era of quality was herald by the following gurus. W. EDWARDS DEMING W. Edwards Deming, also known as father of quality control in 1951. He was an American statistician, professor, author, lecturer and consultant. He is well known for improving quality production in America though he was recognised for his work more in Japan. After World War II he travelled to Japan at the request of Japanese government to assist its industries in improving productivity and quality. He taught that by adopting appropriate principles of management, organization can increase quality and reduce cost at the same time. His basic premise was that high quality is equal to lower cost. If you get it right first time then there are minimum prevention, detection remaking cost. His philosophy is summarised in his 14 key principles. Create a culture of constancy of purpose towards improving of product and services. ie replace short reaction with long term planning. Adopt the new philosophy. ie the implication is that management should adopt the philosophy instead of expecting the workforce to do so. Cease dependence on inspection if variation is reduced there is no need of inspection of item for defects. Reduced number of suppliers to a manageable quality. Award supply contracts on the basis of conformance than low cost. Also specify the quality expectation from them. Set up programs for continuous improvement of costs, designs, processes, products, culture, etc Institute continuous training programs to maximise the contribution of each employee. If employee are inadequately trained there will be no uniformity in the work process leading to variations. Establish leadership. It means focus supervision on helping employees. Encouraging them to do a better job and take pribe in their work. Eliminate fear from the work place by encouraging communication. Fear may prevent them acting to best for the organisation. Break down barrier between departments by encouraging team work. Eliminate slogans- Another central idea of TQM is it is not people who make the mistake it is the process they are involved in. Harassing the workforce without improving the process will have a reverse effect. Eradicate management by targets. The numerical target may also lead to production and delivery of poor quality goods. Remove barriers to pride of workmanship. Institute education and self improvement of training in new and appropriate technologies Defining clearly the transformation is everyones job. Though some of the principles were challenged they remain vital for the concept of quality management. PHILIP B. CROSBY PHILIP B. CROSBY contributed to the concept of quality in 1979. He is widely recognised for promoting the concept of Zero defects and for defining quality as conformance to requirement. He initiate the Zero Defect program at the Martine Company Orlando, Florida Plant. As quality control manager the perishing missile program, he was credited for 25% reduction of cost and 30% reduction in scrap cost. He stated that the management must include cost of quality as part of financial system. Crosby defines quality as conformance to requirement. He stated that what cost money are the unquality thing. Quality is free when organisation emphasis on prevention of mistakes than to detection. Mistakes are caused either because of lack of knowledge or lack of attention. The first can be identified and corrected while the second is the attitude which can be changed by the individual. To achieve this Crosby listed the 14 steps to quality improvement. It must be made clear that management are committed to quality. Quality improvement team of senior management must be formed. Evaluate the process to measure quality to find out where the potential or current problem to quality lies. Evaluate the cost of quality to explain as a tool for management. Create awareness among employees the personal concerns for the quality. Appropriate action must be taken to correct the problems identified in the process of quality. Process of improvement must be monitored constantly and must make sure zero defect quality process is carried out. Trained supervisors must actively carry out their part in quality improvement. Hold the Zero defect day to reaffirm management commitment. Individual must be encouraged to set improvement goals for themselves and for their groups. Employee must be encouraged to put for the obstacle in their way to quality improvement. Appreciate the performance of the employee for their participation. Quality councils must be established to communicate at regular basis The process of quality improvement must be reviewed so that it continues and do not stops. ARMAND V. FEIGENBAUM THE PROPONENT OF TOTAL QUALITY CONTROL. ARMAND V. FEIGENBAUM proposed the theory of total quality control. He believed that high quality could be achieved only through organizational support. He also asserted that the quality must be priority and not afterthought. He emphasised on the administrative viewpoint and considered human issue as a basic issue to quality control. He stress that quality do not mean the best but best for the customers use and selling price. Quality control represents a management tool with 4 steps. Setting quality standards. Appraising conformance to thsee standards Acting when standards are exceeded Planning for improvement in the standards According to him quality must encompass all the phases of in manufacturing the product which includes design, manufacturing, quality check, sales, after sales services and customer satisfaction. He also put forward the way to control the above phases. Feigenbaums idea of modern quality concept was more management based. He recommended that Increase operators efficiency to enhance overall quality. Prospecting to increase quality awareness in the organisation. Involving all the employee in the quality enhancement process. He also believed that quality must not be regarded as cost reduction tool but must be taken as an administrative effort to provide channel for knowledge integration and communication and encourage employee to participate in quality initiative. His concept is reffered to as quality at source and mean that every worker manager and authorities are responsible for performing their work with perfect quality. In TQC quality is more important than production rate so the worker must be given authority to stop production where quality problem arises. KAORU ISHIKAWA KAORU ISHIKAWA wanted to change the way people think about the work. He insisted that quality is not just improving product quality but also can go further. His notion of quality control called for continuous customer service. According to him quality improvement is a continuous process and can always go one step ahead. The head of the fish is the outcome desired, or effect. Contributing factors leading to this or causes are listed as boxes at the end of ribs. Each rib can then be broken down further into the specific factors. Once a diagram has been completed then it can be used to select areas to be tackled and their priority order, and how they can be managed. Generating a complete diagram aids the consideration of an overall development strategy. With his cause and effect diagram also called fish bone diagram management were able to make significant and specific advancement to their quality improvement. With the help of his diagram the users can find out all possible cause of the result and find the root of process imperfection. By pinpointing the root problem this diagram provide improvement from the very base of the problem. His philosophy of total quality management can be summerised as follow Product quality is improved and becomes uniform. Defects are reduced. Reliability of goods is improved. Cost is reduced. Quantity of production is increased, and it becomes possible to make rational production schedules. Wasteful work and rework are reduced. Technique is established and improved. Expenses for inspection and testing are reduced. Contracts between vendor and vendee are rationalised. The sales market is enlarged. Better relationships are established between departments. False data and reports are reduced. Discussions are carried out more freely and democratically. Meetings are operated more smoothly. Repairs and installation of equipment and facilities are done more rationally. Human relations are improved. JOSEPH M. JURAN DR.JOSEPH M,JURAN developed the quality trilogy.- quality planning , quality control and quality improvement. Good quality management requires quality actions to be planned , improved and controlled. Juran believed that quality is dependent on the customer satisfaction and dissatisfaction. His ten steps to quality are Create awareness for the need improvement. Goals must be set for improvement Ways to reach the Goals Facilitate training Carry out project to solve problem Progress must be reported Efforts must be recognised. Results must be communicated Achieved results must be maintained Maintain momentum His concept of quality did not just concentrated on the end of customer but also on internal and external customers.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Racial and Ethnic Identity Essay -- How it Feels to be Colored Me 2014
The African, Mexican, and Native persons have all interacted with the Dominant American culture in some magnitude; consequently altering each different groupââ¬â¢s racial and ethnic Identity. Throughout the semester, I have discovered that in much literature writers had an ideal perspective on their own identity as well as the identity that the dominant culture influenced them to have. While doing some research I wanted to see what would be a transitional time frame for a person to be un-conditioned of many negative symbolic meanings in regard to minorities and immigrants. My research has shown that there was a hierarchical scheme where an individual can monitor his/her identity progression from one level to the next. This ââ¬Å"Developmental Model of Ethnic and Racial Identityâ⬠was created during the black consciousness movement. It involves discovering true ethnic Identity and racial identity. Ethnic identity is defined as defining oneself the personal and social meaning of belonging to one particular ethnic group (Cushner, McClelland and Safford). Racial identity is similar in theory, but only differs in physical appearance. This model describes the five stage process of moving from a low racial consciousness, through a period of active examination of what it means to be black, [Mexican, or Native] and internalize a positive identity (Cushner, McClelland and Safford). These five stages are pre-encounter, encounter, immersion-emersion, immersion, and internalization. This model was then applies to all minority and immigrant groups in the country. The first stage of pre-encounter, people have self-hatred about their culture and self. They believe in most stereotypes that are shown through the ... ...ed by the writers of all of these poems and novels, and it represents the struggle of many people who have assimilated to the dominant culture or who are trying. I will continue to study this concept and extend my research even further to understand the entire minority and immigrant experience. Works Cited Anaya, Rudolfo. BLESS ME ULTIMA. New York, Boston: Grand Central Publishing, 1994. Print. Cushner, Kenneth, Averil McClelland and Philip Safford. Human Diversity in Education. 7th. New York: McGraw Hill, 2012. Print. Hughes, Langston. Literature 4332: American Minority Literature. n.d. Web. 3 May 2013. Hurston, Zora Neale. Literature 4332: American Minority Literature. n.d. Web. 4 May 2013. Morrison, Toni. The Bluest Eye. New York: The Penguin Group, 1970. Print. Zitkala-Sa. Literature: 4332 American Minority Literature. n.d. Web. 5 May 2013.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Ignorance :: essays research papers
Let us commence a journey into the much travelled topic of Ignorance. I find my self constantly drawn back to the subject of Ignorance. While much has been written on its influence on contemporary living, there are just not enough blues songs written about Ignorance. Crossing many cultural barriers it still draws remarks such as 'I wouldn't touch it with a barge pole' and 'i'd rather eat wasps' from the over 50, who are yet to grow accustomed to its disombobulating nature. Relax, sit back and gasp as I display the rich tapestries of Ignorance. Social Factors While some scholars have claimed that there is no such thing as society, this is rubbish. When Sir Bernard Chivilary said 'hounds will feast on society' [1] he saw clearly into the human heart. A society without Ignorance is like a society without knowledge, in that it is crunchy on the outside but soft in the middle. Recent thought on Ignorance has been a real eye-opener for society from young to old. It grows stonger every day. Economic Factors We no longer live in a world which barters 'I'll give you three cows for that hat, itï ¿ ½,s lovely.' Our existance is a generation which cries 'Hat - $20.' We will study the Simple-Many-Pies model of economics. Housing Prices It goes with out saying that housing prices cannot sustain this instability for long. Many analysts fear a subsequent depression. Political Factors Politics has in some areas been seen to embrace an increasing ananiathesis of intergovernmentalism leading to neo-functionalism. Looking at the spectrum represented by a single political party can be reminiscent of comparing chalk and cheese. In the words of that most brilliant mind Odysseus T. Time 'People in glass houses shouldn't through parties.' [2] I couldn't have put it better my self. When it comes to Ignorance this is clearly true. History tells us that Ignorance will always be a vote winner, whether we like it, or not.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Baby Bargains
According to Bucklandââ¬â¢s journal Information as Thing, information is situational. As such, it must be useful to a user in a particular situation to be considered relevant. The book Baby Bargains is both useful and relevant to all first-time parents in preparation for the upcoming addition to their household by providing guidance on how and where to buy quality baby necessities at a reasonable cost. Baby Bargains was first published and made available to the public in 1994 and has experienced an extended shelf life due to its updated editions.This now well-known work entered the information lifecycle some 13 years earlier destined to be updated and adapted for years to come. Baby Bargains has metamorphasized and gone through multiple adaptations with a companion television talk show and the addition of a website and blog. The Baby Bargains concept is a prime example of the dissemination, retrieval and use of relevant information. To understand its progression through the inform ation lifecycle it is helpful to examine how it fills an end userââ¬â¢s need, the birth of the first edition and subsquent publishing history as well as its eventual transformation into a website.Need My initial encounter with Baby Bargains occurred during my pregnancy in July of 2005, when I was given the book by a friend. Since it was the first child for my husband and myself, we were excited but at the same time apprehensive over our lack of knowledge. There are literally millions of couples with the same need for knowledge, as evidenced by the extreme popularity of nonfiction books regarding pregnancy, childbirth and preparation for a new baby. Creation Denise and Alan Fields, who co-wrote Baby Bargains, were first time parents at one time, too.Inspired by the birth of their own sons Ben and Jack, the Fields launched a consumer crusade to find the best deals for new parents and ultimately published Baby Bargains. Baby Bargains is a well-researched, comprehensive resource for parents-to-be. The authors combined their own experience with extensive investigation and interviews with more than a thousand first-time parents across the country to compile the information presented in the book. It provides insights into which baby products are top rated and which are not recommended due to price and/or dearth of function.Baby Bargains is organized into chapters categorized by type of product. Each chapter contains a list of items necessary for the expectant parent with easy-to-read charts that allows users to compare these products in terms of price, quality, brand name, and durability. The charts include a summary and brief explanation of the content of an item in an compact, uncomplicated format that is clear and provides an easy way for users to visualize the comparisons. According to Robert Taylorââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"Value Added Modelâ⬠, this book adds ACCESS 3 (subject summary) value by using charts.The chapters and their corresponding charts are quite com prehensive yet ergonomic for the average consumer. Publishing and dissemination Since the first edition of Baby Bargains was published in 1994, the popularity of the book garnered nearly instant notoriety for the Fields. The list of commercial marketing appearances the authors have enjoyed include features on Oprah, NBCââ¬â¢s Dateline, ABCââ¬â¢s 20/20, The Today Show as well as newspaper and magazine articles written about the couple and their book. Print editions of Baby Bargains now exceed 700,000 copies.In order to keep the information current, seven editions have been created with the addition of new products and updates on existing items. Revisions include current product values as well as reliability and validity results of the products tested. The authors strive to keep Baby Bargains as up-to-date as possible; about 30 ââ¬â 40% of the content changes with each edition. These updates ensure the book remains current and a valuable resource to the end user. Retrieval a nd use According to Trent Hillââ¬â¢s lecture on Knowledge Organization, metadata refers to document attributes, document structure, and relations between documents.Several pieces of metadata are attached to the book and website of Baby Bargains. The metadata used to describe the bookââ¬â¢s attributes include the title, authors (the Fields are well-known consumer writers), date, edition, description of illustrations, and call number. The websiteââ¬â¢s metadata is the web domain name (www. babybargains. com) and the fact that it is based on the Baby Bargains print edition. Modification and transformation In 1996, www. babybargains. com was formed to be a companion to, and include information from, the book.When viewed within the FRBR model, Baby Bargains encompasses a complex maze of works, expressions, manifestations, and items. Baby Bargains the book is a work and the companion website is an additional work; each has a unique theme and data. There is one example of an expre ssion of the book in its publication. The book has not been translated into other languages but each edition is published by Windsor Peak Press. There are seven manifestations of the book in the form of its prior updated editions, which are published roughly every two years.The Baby Bargains website consists of two overt expressions. One of these is the information that paralells the book and the other expression is the blog which provides current news on baby products including safety recalls and price changes. Bonus material and a message board for usersââ¬â¢ interaction complete the comprehensive nature of the website. When each new edition of Baby Bargains is released, registered website users are encouraged to read the updated version of the book in order to obtain the latest information due to changes of content.This has worked well for the Fields as being an inexpensive yet effective method for informing users about updates and and changes to the print version. A blog link was also added to the website, giving the authors yet another forum for advertising new editions and updates in a timely manner. A message board on the site links users and provides a forum for asking questions and receiving answers, opening the lines of communication between parties with a shared interest. Collection Baby Bargains is a piece from the collections of both public and personal libraries.It is also available through the University of Washington library catalog system. The print book is not owned by the University library nor the summit libraries although it can be obtained through interlibrary loan. According to Matt Saxtonââ¬â¢s lecture on ââ¬Å"What is a Collection? â⬠, a collection has certain information for certain audiences. Baby Bargains is not an ordinary part of an academic libraryââ¬â¢s collection since these institutions do not collect what is considered to be a consumer book. Searching for this workI obtained the work Baby Bargains very easily à ¢â¬â through a friend of mine during my pregnancy. It is available in a large variety of bookstores and can be located without any searching effort or retrieval process. Editions of Baby Bargains starting with the 4th and continuing through the current edition are easily accessed through the public library catalog system where they can be directly compared side by side. The Baby Bargains website and blog comes up quickly and easily within the first two listings by using the online search engine Google. ClosingThis assignment caused me to think in fresh ways about how information is disseminated and updated. I feel I was challenged to examine the meaning and purpose of metadata in information systems, as well as the process by which information becomes a work, an expression, and a manifestation. The information lifecycle provides a valuable framework for understanding information such as that which is contained in Baby Bargains throughout its development and as a whole. It is part iculalry useful as a foundation upon which to build my study of library and information science.
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